
Teams are the basic unit of every organisation. They are the place where the actual work happens. Their setup will define the well-being of the entire organisation. How the teams are structured, and managed, how they communicate with each other and how their hierarchy reflects the actual shape of the business and software architecture. If done well, teams will be set up for success. If done wrong, they will struggle, people will burn and the organisation will eventually degrade.

Why Do We Need a Blameless Culture?

6 January 2025 by Damian Sosnowski

In a world where our reptilian brains instinctively seek to blame, a blameless culture is a vital aspect of efficient organisations. Let's dive into the pitfalls of blame culture, from escalating toxicity to fear-driven silence. By leading by example, creating habits of open failure sharing, and focusing on systemic fixes you can shape the blameless culture that transforms mistakes into learning opportunities and fosters a resilient and transparent organisation.

#leadership #teams #people

Top Performers or Underachievers - Who Defines Your Culture?

14 December 2024 by Damian Sosnowski

The way you manage people in your team defines its culture. Your focus and attention help people thrive and grow, while lack of it hinders their progress. Should you devote your limited time to elevating your top performers and setting a high bar for excellence? Or should you focus on supporting your low performers, ensuring no one is left behind? Will you foster a culture where 10x engineers thrive and others either rise to the challenge or exit? Or will you cultivate a more inclusive environment, helping those who struggle to improve and potentially uncovering hidden talents?

#teams #people

Be Careful With The Blameless Culture

27 November 2024 by Damian Sosnowski

Blameless culture sounds great on paper - who wouldn't want a workplace where mistakes are learning opportunities rather than witch hunts? But here's the catch: when done wrong, this well-intentioned approach can backfire badly. Lack of accountability and a culture of avoidance will push your company down the slippery slope, degrading your product and burning people along the way. A proper blameless culture is not easy to build as it requires a solid foundation of discipline and relentless pursuit of constant improvement.

#leadership #teams #people

Embracing Hierarchy. The Goods and the Bads of Organisational Structures

16 April 2024 by Damian Sosnowski

From natural ecosystems to corporate banks, hierarchy is a crucial element of a successful system. Good hierarchy makes the organisation resilient and adaptable. Bad will drive it into oblivion. Smart leaders should embrace the hierarchy and be able to shape it proactively. Let’s dive deep into the topic of what is a hierarchy, how it shapes the organisation and how it can harm it when things go wrong.

#thoughts #teams